What is Parent and Family Engagement?
Parent and Family Engagement is a required component of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act under Title I, Part A requires that each local educational agency (LEA) that receives federal funds jointly agree upon, develop in collaboration with and formally distribute a parent and family engagement policy in a format understandable by all parents and families. Florida school districts and schools that receive Title I federal funds shall in genuine collaboration with parents and families, create a written parent and family engagement policy. The Every Student Succeeds Act requires that local educational agencies provide ample opportunities for parents and families to actively participate in the development, implementation, and annual review of the parent and family engagement policy (PFEP) by offering flexible dates and meetings times.
Why Does Parent and Family Engagement Matter?
Research tells us that students with engaged parents and families are more likely to:
- Learn to read faster (Exhibit faster rates of literacy acquisition.)
- Have higher grades and test scores.
- Are promoted and take more challenging classes.
- Adapt better to school and have better attendance.
- Have better social skills and behavior.
- Graduate.
- Go on to community/technical college or university.
What Can Parents Do to Help Students Thrive in School